Visitors 4052
4289 photos

Welcome! I created this website hoping you will discover an image that makes you smile, jogs a memory, or resonates with your soul. We all know how children find wonder in everything around them. As we age, we tend to grow familiar with our surroundings and the "Truly Amazing" becomes the "Norm". Einstein said “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” If I just slow down a bit and look around me, I can't deny the miracles.

Are there any images here that are special to you? Zenfolio makes it simple and economical to order beautiful enlargements to display at your work or in your home. Would you like an image without the signature or with a special color balance? The majority of my images are captured in 21 megapixel RAW format which allows creative freedom with cropping and adjustment. I will even work a trade with you for a digital that you can print at Costco or Walgreens! Please contact me with your special requests.

I’d like you to enjoy my photos – so no ugly watermarks. Please don't steal my photos...

Guestbook for Keith Anderson Photography
AnnMarie Long(non-registered)
Great samples! Keith, you’re GOOD!
Michael Lemcke(non-registered)
Beautiful work.
Chris Naderer(non-registered)
Looking at your photos after finding them following up on a search for your great uncle, Roy E Jones. I am the daughter of Donald W Wilcox, a fellow Ensign that served with your great Uncle in WWII.
He wrote a letter regarding the accident that took the life of Roy E Jones.
Very moving story that my father did share occasionally when the topic of war, flying and the like would come up. But other than that, did not speak of his war experiences much.
I have missed him dreadfully since his passing.
Best to you.
Barb Purnell(non-registered)
Enjoyed our visit on the plane. Your photos are stunning! Thank you for sharing this sight with us.
I do really like your art, good job :)
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